Monday 31 August 2009

Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition has NVGs!!!

So I was looking at the multiplayer video for MW2 on youtube, and the unboxing of the prestige edition was on the sidebar, so I gave it a look. The prestige edition comes with night vision goggles. Holy shit!!! It is $150, but I mean I would so spend 150 dollars on a game I think we all know is going to be amazing, plus night vision goggles and all this other cool stuff that is included in the package. Plus in two years time I really want to be able to say "Yah, I did get the prestige edition. Here's all the cool shit you're missing out on." $150 is a lot of money, and it totally blows my plans to get ODST and Fallout 3 around this time, but for night vision goggles? Totally worth it.