Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Duke Nukem Forever

I was chillin on the internet today, reading the xkcd blag, and I got linked to a Duke Nukem Forever (RIP) accomplishment list. For those of you who don't know what that is, Duke Nukem was a hugely sucessful game for the N64 and PC that came out in 1996, I think. It was a big deal cause it was one of the first games to be 3D, even though it dude use vectors rather than actual 3D models. Either way, it was largely impressive at the time, and lots of internet memes came from it, cause Duke was always handing money to strippers in the midst of blowing the shit out of some alien pig things. Anyways, in the enormous amount of time that it took to devlope and redevelope and ultimately not finish developing Duke Nukem Forever, many other things happened. Barack Obama went from winning his first election, following the longest presidential campaign ever, and eventually being elected president. The entire second world war and the entire manhattan project took less time than Duke Nukem Forever.
Yes, thats right, we were able to create the atomic bomb in less time than it took to make this game. It took less time for man to reach the moon, from Kennedy's challenge to Lance Armstrong taking the first steps on the moon. The international space station was assembled and has stayed in orbit for 8 years. The Wrights brothers designed and flew the first airplane. So many important things happened in less time than Duke Nukem Forever was nearly made in, its a bit absurd.
Here is the link for anyone who wants to check it out. Duke Nukem Forever Timeline

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