Monday, 5 October 2009

Models; Wingnuts

So this past weekend, I was over at my friends house. It was Saturday, I believe. Either way, it was fun, and we were sorta just chilling out, doing whatever, old video games, bothering siblings, the usual. We went into the garage to work on this little electric ukulele he's making from scratch, and I found it really relaxing to just stand there in the cold and work out all these measurements and stuff. So, while I don't think I have the patience for a long project like that, I've decided to go back to something I've been doing for most of my life; modeling little WWII airplanes. I've done two so far (one was already half way done when I picked it back up) and I think its a really good thing to do in the evening. I've done a Spitfire and a P-51 Mustang. Both nice planes I think. I'm going to do them all in the same scale too, so I can hang them up or whatever and it'll look right. i should take pictures and put them up here. I've been saying I'm going to do that forever, but I think I'll do it on Wednesday or Thursday. Also in the spirit of airplanes, I decided I'm going to re-download Wingnuts 2. I bought the thing a couple years ago in the first Macheist bundle. Great deal. Anyways, I never really finished the game, and now that my computer has stopped being all laggy when it comes to video games, I figured that I give it a go again.
I'll try and put of photos soon.

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